Fun note: I had learned the E.E. Cummings styled himself as e e cummings, but I double-checked for this page and GUESS WHAT? He utilized decapitalization extensively in his work, but apparently did not extend that to his own name. Here’s more info, for the curious.
Some background links on the name drops in case you’re curious:
Josh Ramsay, of pop punk band Marianas Trench
Alex Gaskarth, of pop punk band All Time Low
Max Bemis, of punk band Say Anything.
P!nk, aka Pink, US pop star
What’s-his-name, of hey, there will be always be some new pop star or child actor whose messy transition into adulthood with fame and money is publicly broadcast and we’ll all watch their meltdown, shake our heads, and indulge in copious amounts of judging people we don’t actually know.
I’ve also now broken the 1-word page naming pattern because I try to pull from dialogue on the page and this was worth it.