
Archive for Biiku


Last page of chapter 3, so obviously I just had to use an angle in the last panel that I didn’t already have a background for.


The chicken scratch next to Kevin in panel 5 reads “r u srs rn??” and “tf kate” which can be read as “are you serious right now??” and “the fuck, Kate?” respectively. It’s presented as-is for aesthetic purposes. Fight me. 😀


Everything is fiiiiiiiine.


I made y’all a page, and none of my coworkers helped! They don’t have thumbs or anything, but still. Lazy jerks. Just look at these slackers. πŸ‘‡


You know what? You KNOW what?? Every student is sitting in this cafeteria right now. So orderly! NOBODY IS WALKING. Nor are there tables adjacent in the camera direction we can see in. They’re all, like, over… there. Off panel. I have spent 48 hours now angsting over the backgrounds for this page and am wholly unsatisfied with them. So screw it.

Please enjoy Maddy’s adorable awkwardness, because Maddy is the GOAT 🐐 and if you don’t agree, just, I dunno. @ me, I guess? Or don’t.


If anyone is keeping track of how many times characters blush, you’d better update your chart today. And let me know who’s winning: Biiku or Maddy? 😳

Is this the Meet Cute? Or was that earlier? How long does a single instance of Meet Cute Last?


I hate drawing backgrounds

I spent an inordinate amount of time on this page, mostly banging my head against the wall trying to figure out the best way to draw a new complicated background that would be seen from multiple angles and with a zillion background characters milling around. Also, UGH, background characters. 😭

I don’t have a great solution as it stands, but I got to the point where I knew I needed to just suck it up and draw some off angles by hand and let the perfectionism go. It was becoming an excuse to procrastinate and get all anxious over nothing. Anyway, it’s up now! Page 50 is already inked, and 51 is partly inked, so let’s see how quickly I can pump those out if I stop giving myself an aneurysm over the cafeteria. 😀


Read the mood, Amanda. GEEZ.

Slow clap for Amanda, bein’ a real friendo rn. Good job reading the mood. Also, I lied last update. There’s one more page in this chapter after this page, then we’re on to Chapter 3.


There’s only one page left in this chapter! Not counting this one! Chapter 3 takes place in a new setting sooooooo… I’ve got some backgrounds to draw, y’all. It’s outdoors, but I don’t know if that makes it easier or not. I haven’t decided how much city background you’ll be able to see which is the biggest factor. While I don’t want to be lazy, I also don’t want to spend 20 hours creating scene backgrounds you won’t actually be able to see properly anyway.


Emo Poets Society, as it were?

These darn emo kids and their darn poetry, amiright? What’s funny to me is that Amanda, while mocking Kevin’s lit knowledge, doesn’t even like poetry. She likes being smart, successful, and well-educated, though, so if she’s expected to learn poetry then by god, she’ll learn the poetry. Doesn’t mean she’ll like it, though. And unfortunately for her, it does mean she probably won’t really get in depth with understanding it either. Welp. Can’t be good at everything. Deciding you don’t like the things you aren’t good at is way easier anyway.

Here, have some links for further reading.

Little Red Cap, by Carol Ann Duffy

Alice Walker’s Official Website

To Change the World Enough, by Alice Walker

I Will Keep Broken Things, by Alice Walker

Going Out to the Garden, by Alice Walker

You don’t need to read each poem to understand the scene or to get anything coming up in Tomodachi Forever, not really, but there IS a reason each character is drawn to each poem they’ve chosen. Pretty much any time you see a specific song, poem, etc mentioned, it means something. Plus I just can’t help sharing the things I like with y’all. <3