I had to do the backgrounds twice because I realized after the first time that I had oriented the room wrong. I built a 3D model of the school in Sims 3 several months ago, specifically to save me from this sort of thing. Otherwise I’d just be guessing all the time and every building would have Escher-style architecture.
I actually tried building sets in Sketch-Up so I could use filtered screenshots for backgrounds, but the learning curve was way to high for the amount of time and patience I had. Instead I plan spaces out in Sims and then draw them in Photoshop. Works well so far! My goal is to be able to reuse a lot of backgrounds. Even though there’s a ton of different set locations, most of them come up in multiple scenes.
Oh, and I was thinking I’d release the Sims-created sets for download, though I’m not sure how much interest there would be. I did, of course, create Sims versions of the characters as well, to, uh, test the buildings. Yeah, that’s it.
New classroom! New character! New TATTOOS! Get it while it’s hot!

Oh, Amanda! Such a doll.
Just FYI, Kate is never wearing that damned ruched shirt ever again. It’s easy enough to shade, but a total pain in the derriere to color. That grey charcoal strip along the top and one side has lots of little lace lines so selecting around that area is time consuming. Sure is pretty, though.
Oh my gosh, I bet these two are, like, super close! Totes BFFs, right? They could be sisters!
Somebody here’s got some serious heteronormative issues.
That’s it. My next high school comic will have everyone homeschooled! No more endless background figures to draw and color. Also, they’ll never leave the house so there will only be one set of backgrounds too.
I’m sure it’ll be a big hit.
The amount of redrawing this page required is kind of pathetic. Just Kate in panel 4 took THREE separate tries before I was remotely happy with the lineart, and I wouldn’t say it’s great or anything as is.
Look, she’s being helpful! What a sweet girl, that Amanda.
There’s a lot of flipping the bird in this comic, now that I think about it.